World languages
Olympics Paris 2024 wordsearch
A wordsearch in french about Olympics sports for Paris 2024
Olympics Paris Match sports
Worksheet - write the correct French word for each olympic sport
Scavenger hunt (French)
This is for outside learning. The pupils work in 4 groups (red, blue, yellow and green). Each group pick a card from their pack and have to retrieve the objects or use their imagination to make something which look like the object. The cards have words or phrases in French. The pupils should have access to dictionaries to work out the meaning.
Once a group has brought their object back, the teacher records the point on the score sheet and the group can pick their next card.
Included in the pack:
50 red cards
50 blue cards
50 yellow cards
50 green cards
Score sheet
Olympic sports Paris 24 (French)
A presentation about Olympic sports in French.
Olympics Paris 2024 Crossword
Olympics sport crossword in French.
French speaking countries treasure hunt Google earth
Explore different places on Google earth to retrieve the secret message (reading “French speaking countries”). Worksheet for pupils and answers provided as pdf.
You can add maps to each places (not provided in this version because of copyright).
After the activity, the pupils can choose a French speaking country and do a screenshot and add their photos on top as a selfie for a class display.
Breakout interactive game Olympic Sports
Genially game matching Olympic sports in French.